Sunday, August 26, 2012

How to Create The Witch

When I was a little girl, I was mesmerized by the beauty of the witches. I wished to have a raven black hair, like my all-time hero, Wednesday from The Addams Family.

Oh dear..

Anyways, this piece is not how to look like a seductive Morticia Addams. This is about how they look like when they get out of the bed in the morning.

Let's start from the eyes, as usual, so it will be easy to wipe out all the spread eye shadows around the eye area.

Use an eye base product to ease the color using, but spread it just lightly, because the uneven coloring is just welcome in this makeup. Shade the inside corner of the eye with a cold-shaded brown eyeshadow. Make the color most strong in the hole/area between the nose and eye and spread the eyeshadow until the eyebrows and just a bit in the crease in the eyelid, above the mobile lid. Soften the color with a hint of matt vanilla colored eyeshadow. Spread the vanilla color on top of the eyebrow bone and outside corner of the eye. This makes the eyelids look baggy and the strong inner color eye makeup gives a horror-like-gaze.

Then create the dark eye bags using auberge colored eyeshadow. Finalize with a  cold shaded red lip pencil as an inside-kajal. 

Then right away to my favorite, hide the eyebrows! Brush the eyebrows upwards with a mascara brush (..without any mascara on it…) and attach them in this position with a Mastix skin glue. Tap and spread a red colored foundation to hide their color.

Let's create the typical witch-nose. Tap some Mastix skin glue on top of the nose, where you want the bump to place. Add a small amount of tired cotton on it, and another tap of skiing glue. Cut a small-hazelnut-sized amount of skin wax and warm it up by swirling lightly between the fingers, forming it as a ball. Place the wax on top of the glue and form the bump. Follow the bone structure of the nose, use a sharp spatel as help. Spread the wax carefully on the nose, don't leave any edges. Tap a tiny bit of latex on it with a makeup sponge. 

Now the fresh looking skin. Mix a drop of a very pale foundation with a light green supra color. The result should remind you of  a sea-sickness, but not of an alien. Spread it to the face, blend it together with the eyebrow makeup, the nose bump and don't forget the lips. Ask your model to frown the lips. Voilà, wrinkly lips! Powder lightly with a translucent powder. 

Shade the cheek bones with a cold-shaded light brown eyeshadow. Start the spreading from the ear and continue until the highest point of the cheek bone and then pull the color slightly downwards. Highlight a bit with a matte white or vanilla eyeshadow above the shading and blend the colors together.

Now take some grey-black colored fake hair, as much how thick you want the eyebrows to be. Moist it a bit with a mist of water to help processing it. Pull the hair lightly to straighten it up, the product comes braided and therefore it's curly. Cut them into index finger length (my fingers are crazy small and short.)Start tapping the skin glue (Mastix) where the real eyebrow begins, but to create a mean gaze to your witch, chance the position of the natural eyebrows and place the fake-hair in up-warding position. 

Naturally a witch should have a big disgusting mole in some part of her face. Draw one or ten with a brown kajal pen and matte eyeshadow, and of course finishing with a couple of long, curly fake-hair. 

Last, let's remove some of your witch's teeth shall we. Ask your model to reveal her teeth and dry the teeth of your choice with a paper.Please do not remove your friend's teeth with pliers, use tooth enamel instead (e.g.g, from Grimas). The product leaves from the teeth with alcohol. Good luck!

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